本网站的这一部分包含 FOREX.com 的条款与政策、免责声明、风险警告、价格和费用等重要信息。在我们平台开立交易账户之前,请仔细阅读以下文件。
Note: If there is any inconsistency between the English version and the Chinese version of this Privacy Policy, the English version shall prevail。 The Chinese version is for information purposes only.
保护我们的客户和访问我们网站的用户的隐私、保障其个人信息和财务信息安全是我们的首要责任之一。以下《隐私政策》声明中解释 GAIN Capital 如何收集与保护您的个人信息。《隐私政策》中提到的 “GAIN Capital” 指 GAIN Capital 旗下所有的公司和部门,包括 FOREX.com 在内。
开立 GAIN Capital 账户或使用 GAIN Capital 网站,即表示您同意 GAIN Capital 按照本隐私声明中的说明收集和使用个人信息。
我们从您那里直接或通过您与我们的关系间接获得您的个人信息。GAIN Capital 可能将从您那里收集到的信息应用在:确认您的身份和联系方式、开立您的交易账户、为您设立交易帐号和密码、维护您的账户活动、针对账户相关信息与您联络,或其他等原因。该信息还能帮助我们提高服务质量,提供个性化的浏览体验,及向您传递您可能感兴趣的其他产品、服务、优惠等信息。
址、电话号码和电子邮件地址、按法律要求收集的个人身份资料,比如您的护照号码及/ 或税务识别号码,以及按法律要求收集的用于评估您的交易经验和风险承受能力的信息,比如您的年收入、净资产和可用风险资金。另外,我们也在您开户时收集您的人口统计信息,包括您的性别、出生日期、职业和就业状况。如果我们有出于上述范围以外的目的收集您的个人信息的行为,我们将告知您。
我们以间接方式从您那里收集的信息包括:您的 IP 地址、浏览器类型、操作系统、网络供应商、时间戳及交易记录。
如果您关闭了在 GAIN Capital 开立的账户,我们将保留您的信息,但仅用于满足监管要求,以及用于定期与您的联系,为您提供重新激活账户或者参与我们提供的其它优惠活动的机会。
我们使用缓存和网络信标(也为称为网络行为标签或单像素 GIF 图片),及其他技术(总称缓存),获得可用数据以提高您的用户体验并帮助我们更好地了解您。缓存是小型的文本文件,由网络服务器发出并可能保存在您的电脑中。通过缓存我们可以了解您访问我们网站的方式、回访网站的时间、访问的页面,并在当我们从您的网页浏览器接收到一个页面访问请求时识别您已经登录。我们可能将保存在缓存中的信息指向您在我们网站提交的个人识别信息。我们永远不会将此信息透露给任何第三方。缓存只能通过我们读取且不包含任何个人信息,也不含任何账户或密码信息。我们不能也不愿收集您在其他网站的浏览信息。
我们可能会与信誉良好的广告公司分享访问我们网站的用户的使用信息,有针对性地投放互联网横幅广告。广告公司无法通过这些像素标签收集到的信息识别个人身份。我们也可能使用第三方软件跟踪、分析使用情况和数量统计信息,包括页面请求、表格请求和点击路径。第三方可能使用缓存来跟踪网络浏览行为,并可能代表 GAIN Capital 设置缓存。
与 GAIN Capital 关联公司和非关联第三方共享个人信息
除以下几种情况以外,GAIN Capital 不得以任何理由出卖、许可、租售或披露您的个人信息给任何附属机构或第三方:
在向您提供所要求的产品或服务,或为您提供使用我们关联公司的产品或服务的机会时,GAIN Capital 可能会与关联公司分享您的个人信息。
GAIN Capital 还与非关联第三方建立伙伴和联盟关系,使其提供可能有益于我们客户的
GAIN Capital 可能与这些非关联第三方分享一些个人信息。
如有法律层面的要求,GAIN Capital 保留向第三方或监管、执法或其它政府机构披露您的个人信息的权利。我们也可能将您的信息披露给信用报告机构或征信机构,也可能在保护我们的权利或财产的必要时刻披露您的信息。
如果您在任何时候选择购买其它公司提供的产品或服务,例如点击 GAIN Capital 拥有或控制的网站上的广告购买其产品或服务,与该公司分享的任何个人信息将不再受我们的
当您在我们这里开立账户时,您将获得一个独一无二的账户号码、用户 ID 和密码。只有少数需要了解这些信息的 GAIN Capital 员工可以接触到您的账户号码、用户 ID 和密码。请记住,您对维护您的账号、用户 ID 和密码的保密性负最终责任,强烈建议您不要向任何人透露这些信息。
如果 GAIN Capital 对本《隐私政策》声明进行了实质性的修改,修改后的《隐私政策》声明将及时公布于我们的网站。
GAIN Capital 持有多个独立账户,您必须为每个账户都做出退出选择。
针对我们的《隐私政策》声明的任何争议均受本通知和 GAIN Capital《客户协议》的约束。如果您有任何本《隐私政策》声明未涉及的问题,请联系我们的客户服务代表。
您可以根据本《隐私政策》声明不拘原因联系 GAIN Capital,联系方式如下:
免费电话(美国):1.888.812.0168 国际电话:1.908.731.0750
电子邮件:[email protected]
GAIN Capital 收件人:
30 Independence Blvd
Suite 300 (3rd floor) Warren, NJ 07059
最新更新日期:2024 年 6 月 28 日
Privacy Policy
Protecting the privacy and safeguarding the personal and financial information of our clients and website visitors is one of our highest priorities. The following Privacy Statement explains how GAIN Capital collects and protects your personal information. References to "GAIN Capital" in this Privacy Statement include all GAIN Capital companies and divisions, including FOREX.com.
By opening a GAIN Capital account or by using GAIN Capital websites, you give your consent to the collection and use of personal information by GAIN Capital as explained in this Privacy Statement.
Collection of personal information
We collect your personal information directly from you and indirectly as a result of your relationship with us. GAIN Capital may use the information collected from you to verify your identity and contact information, establish your trading account, issue you an account number and a secure password, maintain your account activity and contact you with account information, among other reasons. This information also helps us improve our services to you, customize your browsing experience and inform you about additional products, services or promotions that may be of interest to you.
You directly provide us with the majority of information we collect. This information includes your contact details, including name, mailing address, telephone number and email address, personal identification data we are required by law to collect, including your passport number and/or tax identification number, and information required by law to assess your trading experience and risk tolerance, including your annual income, net worth and available risk capital. We also collect demographic information when you open an account, including gender, birth date, occupation and employment status.
You provide us with this information by completing the account application and related documentation, by sending us an e-mail or by submitting information in response to a promotion or special offer.
The information we collect indirectly from you includes your Internet protocol ("IP") address, browser type, operating system, Internet service provider (ISP), time stamps and transaction history.
Should you close your account with us, GAIN Capital will retain your information, but only use it to comply with regulatory requirements and to periodically contact you to offer you the opportunity to reactivate your account or participate in other offers.
We use cookies and web beacons (also known as action tags or single-pixel gifs), and other technologies (collectively, "cookies") to provide us with data we can use to improve your experience and to know you better. Cookies are small text files sent from Web servers that may be stored on your computer. Cookies enable us to capture how you arrived at our site, when you return, which pages on our site you visit, and to recognize that you are already logged on when we receive a page request from your browser. We may link the information we store in cookies to personally identifiable information you submit while on our site. We will never share this information with any 3rd party. Cookies are readable only by us and do not contain any personal information nor do they contain account or password information. We cannot and will not gather information about other sites you may have visited.
We may share usage information about visitors to our websites with reputable advertising companies for the purpose of targeting our Internet banner advertisements. The information collected by the advertising company through the use of these pixel tags is not personally identifiable. We may also use 3rd party software to track and analyze usage and volume statistical information including page requests, form requests and click paths. The third party may use cookies to track behavior and may set cookies on behalf of GAIN Capital.
All web browsers have settings that allow you to block cookies. By visiting our website with your browser set to allow cookies, you consent to our use of cookies as described above. If you choose to block cookies you may use our services, but some functions may not work as designed.
You can manage your cookie preferences at any time by changing your cookie settings via the Cookies Notice.
Sharing Personal Information with GAIN Capital affiliates and Non-affiliated third parties
GAIN Capital does not sell, license, lease or otherwise disclose your personal information to any affiliate or third party for any reason, except as described below.
GAIN Capital may share information with affiliates if the information is required to provide the product or service you have requested or to provide you with the opportunity to participate in the products or services our affiliates offer.
To help us improve our services to you, we may engage another business to help us carry out certain internal functions, such as account processing, fulfillment, client service, client satisfaction surveys or other data collection activities relevant to our business. We may also provide a non-affiliated third party with client information from our database, including your name, address, phone number, and/or e-mail address, to help us analyze and identify client needs, notify clients of product and service offerings or conduct general marketing and market research for us.
GAIN Capital also forges partnerships and alliances with non-affiliated third parties which offer high-quality products and services that might be of value to our clients. In order to ensure that these products and services meet your needs and are delivered in a manner that is useful and relevant, GAIN Capital may share some personal information with these non-affiliated third parties.
We generally require that all non-affiliated third parties to which we provide your nonpublic personal information agree to keep your information confidential and use such information solely for the limited purpose for which we have engaged them, or as otherwise required by law. In addition, where offers are made to you by non-affiliated third parties, we generally require that they disclose that the offer is being extended because of your relationship with us. We also seek to ensure that these non-affiliated third parties maintain appropriate data security procedures to guard against unauthorized use of, or access to, your personal information.
When required by law, GAIN Capital reserves the right to disclose your personal information to third parties or regulatory, law enforcement or other government authorities. We may also disclose your information to credit reporting or collection agencies, or when necessary to protect our rights or property.
If at any time you choose to purchase a product or service offered by another company, for example by clicking on an advertisement on a website owned or controlled by GAIN Capital, any personal information you share with that company will no longer be controlled under our Privacy Statement. We are not responsible for the privacy policies or the content of sites we link to, and we have no control over the use or protection of information provided by you to, or collected by, those websites. Whenever you elect to link to a co-branded website or to a linked website, you may be asked to provide registration or other information. Please note that the information you are providing is going to a third party, and you should familiarize yourself with the privacy policy published by that third party.
The security of your personal information
We employ security software, systems and procedures to offer you a safe and secure trading environment and to protect your personal, financial and trading information.
When you open an account with us, you are issued a unique account number, User ID and a password. Only a limited number of GAIN Capital employees who have a need to know this information will have access to your account number, UserID, and password. Remember that you are ultimately responsible for maintaining the secrecy of your account number, UserID and password. We strongly recommend that you do not disclose this information to anyone.
On our websites and online account applications we use technology to encrypt information transmitted by or to you. We use certificate authority (CA) certificates to authenticate our websites and secure trading and customer-facing applications, allowing you to verify that you are connected to our websites.
Changes to this Privacy Statement and Opting Out
In the event GAIN Capital materially changes this Privacy Statement, the revised Privacy Statement will promptly be posted to our websites. By opening an account with us, you are deemed to agree to accept posting of a revised Privacy Statement electronically on our website as actual notice to you.
Under certain circumstances, such as with respect to our sharing of your personal information with non-affiliated third parties, you may inform us that you would like to "opt out" by contacting us through the contact information listed below. Note that for joint accounts, an-opt out election made by one account owner of a joint account is applicable to all account owners of the joint account. An opt-out election must be made for each separate account you hold at GAIN Capital.
Any dispute over our Privacy Statement is subject to this notice and the GAIN Capital Customer Agreement. If you have any questions that this Privacy Statement does not address, please contact a Client Services representative.
You may contact GAIN Capital for any reason under this Privacy Statement, or otherwise, as follows:
Toll Free (US) Call: 1.888.812.0168
International: 1.908.731.0750
Email: [email protected]
GAIN Capital
Attention: Privacy Issues
30 Independence Blvd
Suite 300 (3rd floor)
Warren, NJ 07059
Last Updated: June 28th, 2024