Currency Pair |
Currency Pair |
Currency Pair |
AUD/CAD | 3% | AUD/CHF | 3% | AUD/CNH | 5% |
AUD/JPY | 5% | AUD/NOK | 7% | AUD/NZD | 3% |
AUD/PLN | 5% | AUD/SGD | 5% | AUD/USD | 3% |
CAD/CHF | 3% | CAD/JPY | 5% | CAD/NOK | 7% |
CAD/PLN | 5% | CHF/HUF | 5% | CHF/JPY | 5% |
CHF/NOK | 7% | CHF/PLN | 5% | CNH/JPY | 5% |
EUR/AUD | 3% | EUR/CAD | 2% | EUR/CHF | 3% |
EUR/CNH | 5% | EUR/CZK | 10% | EUR/DKK** | 2% |
EUR/GBP | 5% | EUR/HKD** | 20% | EUR/HUF | 5% |
EUR/JPY | 5% | EUR/MXN | 10% | EUR/NOK | 7% |
EUR/NZD | 3% | EUR/PLN | 5% | EUR/RUB* | 20% |
EUR/SEK | 3% | EUR/SGD | 5% | EUR/TRY** | 25% |
EUR/USD | 2% | EUR/ZAR | 7% | GBP/AUD | 5% |
GBP/CAD | 5% | GBP/CHF | 5% | GBP/DKK** | 5% |
GBP/HKD** | 20% | GBP/JPY | 5% | GBP/MXN | 10% |
GBP/NOK | 7% | GBP/NZD | 5% | GBP/PLN | 5% |
GBP/SEK | 5% | GBP/SGD | 5% | GBP/USD | 5% |
GBP/ZAR | 7% | HKD/JPY** | 20% | NOK/DKK** | 7% |
NOK/JPY | 7% | NOK/SEK | 7% | NZD/CAD | 3% |
NZD/CHF | 3% | NZD/JPY | 5% | NZD/USD | 3% |
SGD/HKD** | 20% | SGD/JPY | 5% | TRY/JPY** | 25% |
USD/CAD | 2% | USD/CHF | 3% | USD/CNH | 5% |
USD/CZK | 10% | USD/DKK** | 2% | USD/HKD** | 20% |
USD/HUF | 5% | USD/ILS | 20% | USD/JPY | 5% |
USD/MXN | 10% | USD/NOK | 7% | USD/PLN | 5% |
USD/RUB* | 20% | USD/SEK | 3% | USD/SGD | 5% |
USD/THB | 20% | USD/TRY** | 25% | USD/ZAR | 7% |
ZAR/JPY | 7% |
*USD/RUB and EUR/RUB are currently unavailable for trading. View all service updates.
**MMR on MetaTrader could be higher. Tiered margining is in place for larger position sizes on trading platforms, please refer to Market Information in the trading platform for more information.
Margin requirements are subject to change without notice, at the sole discretion of
Should you have a position that is subject to an additional margin requirement we will contact you to make arrangements to cover it. This increased margin requirement will continue to apply at’s discretion, until the position size decreases and remains materially below the threshold for a sustained period. Partially closing the position will not automatically reduce your margin requirement.
Open positions are always required to be margined. The margin close out (MCO) process differs by trading platform. Learn more about the MCO and liquidation processes for and MT4.
To help limit your trading losses and ensure that your losses never exceed your account balance, our systems monitor your margin in near real-time. While our MCO process is designed to limit your trading losses and help ensure that total losses never exceed your total account balance, you do risk incurring losses greater than your account balance, especially during periods of extreme market volatility.
While it is not’s policy to hold clients responsible for modest negative balances, we do reserve the right to hold clients responsible for large debit balances and when special circumstances apply. For this reason, we strongly encourage you to manage your use of leverage carefully. Increasing leverage increases risk.